The Snowshoe condo wasn't rented for the holiday weekend of Martin Luther King Day, so about a week out we decided to cut off the rental and use it ourselves.
This was the early crew: Lexi and Allie (in the cone of shame following her spaying surgery) in the back.

The front seat crew was Gus and Russ (not pictured)

We left Leesburg at 5 AM, expecting a warm, rainy day. 100% chance of rain and 54 degrees all day. It turns out the conditions were much better than we expected. There was a lot of fog, but there was only one burst of rain (while we were on the Western Express Lift around 1:30) Otherwise, the conditions deserved a thumbs-up.

There were no crowds whatsoever. The crowds at Ballhooter lift looked like this all afternoon 11:30-3:30:

The warn weather and the rain that had come down earlier in the day and the night before resulted in a pretty good runoff at the bottom of the mountain. This was a raging river at the bottom of Powder Monkey lift:

A great day to be on the slopes!

We ventured over to the Western Territory and had the slopes to ourselves on Cupp Run, Snowshoe's headliner of a black diamond trail. 1.5 miles long and 1500 vertical feet. We had the whole things to ourselves.

It was a great day, the rest of the crew (Karrie, Samantha, Daniel, and Maddie) should join us tonight. And the rumor is they have BBQ. Darla couldn't make it because she came down with the flu and didn't want to spread it to the rest of us. Thanks for looking out for us, Darla, but we'll miss you!